Is your workforce ready for the digital disruption?

Is your workforce ready for the digital disruption?

InnovatieExpo, november 2023

AI and the rise of human skills.

Christian Kromme gave an interesting keynote during InnovatieX 2023 in Rotterdam (Netherlands) last week. His prognosis for the nearby future falls nothing short of the complete disruption of how we work today.

In a few years generative AI will be able to perform tasks that could only be done by highly trained professionals in the past.

According to Christian the IQ level of AI will outperform any human on earth, by far.

His prognosis is that AI will reach IQ levels of 1000+ before the end of the decade. According to his future scenario, disruption will be so wide and deep that no industry and no professional will be able to hide from it.

The digital revolution is at our doorstep

At this pace of development, AI technology will not only outperform professionals that conduct analytical and technical tasks related to data, but it will also be able to do creative work in amazing ways.

Consequently, it’s not just the work of engineers, accountants, analysts or technical consultants that will change dramatically, but the jobs of marketeers, designers, architects will be different as well.

Is your workforce ready for the digital disruption?

Imagine the work of a marketing department in a retail company.

How many people will they need in the future when a generative AI can produce hundreds of adds or social media posts, including advice on which to choose and how to use it, in a splitsecond?

I believe it will be two out of ten, not more.

Where does the rise of AI technology leave professionals in the future?

I see three groups emerging in the next couple of years.

Firstly, the ones that keep ignoring these developments. They will face tough times, if they do not find the mental and emotional strength to adapt and be open to personal and professional development.

This time it will not hit people who work with their hands, but office jobs will come under intense pressure in the 2030’s.

Secondly, there will be a group of professionals who start to anticipate the influence of AI technology in their industry and their organization. These professionals will start to lean into AI technology right now!

Surely, they will have a beter chance to be among the ‘survivors’ and keep their jobs, because they will quickly learn how to use new digital technology to perform their tasks.

The question is for how long it will be sufficient to use AI as a tool without adding anything of value yourself?

Thirdly, some professionals will realize that AI technology will not be able to excel at one thing, namely being human.

These professionals will start to reflect on what makes them unique that cannot be mimicked by technology, because this will add true value. Ultimately, they will figure out how to work together with AI technology.

The rise of human skills

Eventually, we need to reflect on what makes humans human and which added value professionals can provide in our future organizations.

This will give rise to human skills such as collaboration, showing empathy, ethical thinking, keeping spirits up, building trust, taking responsibility, feeling ownership, and being curious and entrepreneurial!

Oh, and by the way. Leadership will be defined in completely new ways as well. Say goodbye to managers who have lead by expertise, while ignoring relational aspects of their work!

Only leaders and professionals with strong human skills will be able to add value to their organizations in the future.

Is your workforce ready for the digital disruption?

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